Amber Benson has been enjoying the swwet smell of success
since she left "Buffy" in Season Six. We catch up with Tra's alter ego to hear all about her latest spellbinding
The room is with literally thousands of cardboard mailing tubes and manila envelopes, labels and tape.
Is this a small postal supplies shop? No, it's Amber Benson's living room, where Amber and her mother
Diane - with help from Amber's artist sister Danielle amd Diane's visiting sister Janice - are at ground zero for distributing Chance, the offbeat comedy film that Amber wrote, produced (with Diane and Danielle) and directed.
Amber plays the title character, who tries out a love and leave apporoach to her sex life whie
oblivious to the romantic interst of her best friend Simon, played by James Marsters, as Grant Langston's
strolling troubador commernts ironically on the action. Andy Hallet (Angel's Lorne), Jeff Rickett (Watcher weatherly and the sewer monster in Angel), Christine Estabrook and Nicolas Brendon wife
Tressa DiFiglia costar; Buffy/Angel prodyser David Fury has a cameo, while Joss Whedon contributed a song.
Although Chance has nothing to do thematically on both sides of the camera clearly make it must-see
viewing. Amber is giving away free copies (there's a choice of DVD or VHS videotape in NTSC or PAL format) to anyone who buys one of the film's posters,
designed by dannielle and signed by Amber, or a likewise signed photo of Amber on the set. The reason for this, Amber explains, is simple: "It was the only
way people were ever going to see it. People (kept) saying, "When is Chance going to be available?" I did'n have an answer. So it was like, "Well - now! It's available now."