" My dog's name is Pennsylvania, and she's a purebred Dalmatian.
When we moved to LA from Alabama, my sister missed out dog from back home so much that my mom finally said: "Let's get another"
Pennsylvania's always been really mellow, lazy, of her own shadow, but she's absolutely the sweetest thing.
She's not a typical Dalmatian - not hyper at all. We'd both rather stay at home and watch TV
than go out and deal with the rest of the world. If we're watching "Buffy" together and a werewolt howts,
she get exiled, but usually she just sleeps.
If you're not interested in animals, she stay away from you.
Otherwise, she'll lick your face until as falls off!
Unfortunately, she has peed on people occasionally.
Random strangers.
When we were at a photo shoot once, some gue picked her up and she wet has really nice leather jacket. Sometimes she'll hit your fool it you're not paying attention.
She just squats, and it your toot's in the way, you might get it.
But I'm sure I embarrass her, too like every day when I walk out of the house in the clothes I pick out for myself!
She's very loyal, caring and affectionate.
She hasn't saved anyone from a burning buliding, but she's very protective, and I appreciate that."